Make A Donation
Why Donate?
The Uintah Basin Orchestra and Chorus is a treasure. It’s extremely rare to find an organization like ours in a rural community, and we can be proud that, as a community, we have made it happen. It is easy to understand that an organization like UBOC requies a lot of money to operate and maintain. What may be less easy to understand is that UBOC adds value to our community in many ways, some that are easily identifiable, and some that are less obvious. If you enjoy the kind of music we create, it’s clear to you that we provide entertainment value. What you may find surprising is that UBOC also adds social and economic value to our community.
Bolster Local Economy
Our high quality musical performances provide exceptional entertainment. These same performances generate income for local businesses when attendees go out to eat before or afterward, and buy appropriate concert attire.
Urban Arts in Rural Community
We offer cultural enrichment that is usually only found in much larger cities. This refinement has a way of unifying the people in our community through shared musical experiences, and that unity can spread to other social arenas.
Build The Next Generation
UBOC gives musicians an avenue for practicing their craft and maintaining and improving their skills. It inspires young musicians to work hard to develop these aptitudes. The work ethic, skills, and creativity it takes to create high quality music are also beneficial to the work force and society as a whole.
Please note that the Uintah Basin Youth Chamber Orchestra is now its own 501c3 organization. To donate to the youth orchestra, please visit UBYCO or contact Brad Vanfleet at or (801) 979-2267.
Tax-Deductible Donation
It feels great to be a part of making something wonderful happen. It also feels great to get a tax break!
How We Recognize Our Donors
We say thank you to our donors in ways that make them and thier companies a little more visible to our community. Our hope is that our gratitude will provide a form of advertising that will help donors generate more business.
Program Space
Donor names or company logos are featured prominently in our programs according to the value of their donation.
Website Recognition
Donor names and company logos are also featured on our website.
Poster and Flier Space
We reserve space on our posters and fliers specifically for donor names and company logos.
Learn More
If you would like to learn more about our donor recognition packages, please contact Brandt Emery at (435) 621-1983 or