Enhancing the unity and beauty of the Uintah Basin through music.
About Our Organization
The Uintah Basin Orchestra and Chorus serves both musicians and patrons as the premiere musical organization in Northeastern Utah. Musicians are able to share their talents and perfect their skills in a way that brings joy and cultural enrichment to our community.
Our complete orchestra of strings, woodwinds, percussion, and brass has delighted audiences with musical selections ranging from classical concertos to country hoedowns. Instrumentalists have enjoyed the comfort of familiar music as well as the challenge of new and sometimes difficult material.
Our vocalists are able to express their passion for music while entertaining and uplifting our audiences. The melodies and harmonies of our chorus are sometimes simple and traditional and sometimes complex and exotic, but always sure to please.
Youth Programs
Our Children’s Choir offers young vocalists an opportunity to play a part in bringing high quality music to our community. The Uintah Basin Youth Chamber Orchestra, which was once a part of our organization but is now it’s own entity, still works closely with UBOC. This ensures that when young musicians, both vocalists and instrumentalists, are ready, they transition seamlessly into the adult organization. For more information about the Uintah Basin Youth Chamber Orchestra, please visit UBYCO.

Our Board
Members of our orchestra, choir, and community work together to enable our organization to serve our community now and in the future.
Board Chair
Brandt Emery
Choir President
Kimberlie Nicoll
Orchestra President
Jared Heaps
Terri Terrill
TJ Batty
Ticket Master
Jen Curtis
Cami Merkley
Board Member
McKenzi Bigler
Dance Principle and Choreographer
Rachel Murphy
Board Member
Kevin Remington
Board Member
Chalynn Thomas
Board Member
Obern Mayes
Artistic Director

Dr. Cory Evans
Get Involved
The Uintah Basin Orchestra and Chorus is an organization built by a community that has a passion for beautiful music. The music we create could not exist without the musicians who live and work in the Uintah Basin, nor could it exist without the generous people who support our endeavor with donations of money and time. Whether you would like to perform alongside our musicians, or support us in some other way, please join with us in creating something extraordinary for the Uintah Basin.